
【沖縄・真栄原社交街】消された不夜城のネオンサイン 沖縄県宜野湾市 Erased red-light district Ginowan City, Okinawa Prefecture

1732315815_maxresdefault-3754344-6607255-jpg ニュース




◆◆『Super Thanks』機能が新たに追加されました◆◆

路地裏さんぽ (@rojiura_sanpo) https://twitter.com/rojiura_sanpo?s=03

『沖縄 だれにも書かれたくなかった戦後史 上・下』(著者/佐野眞一 発行/集英社)
『娼婦たちから見た日本』(著者/八木澤高明 発行/角川書店)
『色街遺産を歩く 消えた遊廓・赤線・青線・基地の町』(著者/八木澤高明 発行/実業之日本社)
『沖縄アンダーグラウンド 売春街を生きた者たち』(編纂/藤井誠二 発行/集英社)
『青線 売春の記憶を刻む旅』(著者/八木澤高明 発行/集英社)
『沖縄 裏の歩き方』(著者/神里純平 発行/彩図社)
『色街をゆく』(著者/橋本玉泉 発行/彩図社)

Maehara Social District, commonly known as “Shinmachi”, was born to protect Japanese women from American soldiers. Today, the bustle of the past has dissipated and only ghost towns remain.
The back alleys of red-light districts where the scenery disappears as the negative aspects of it are all the rage.
The red-light district, which gave birth to protect the Japanese, was purified by the same Japanese hands. Walk through the back alleys of Maehara, where prostitutes disappeared with the end of the red-light district.

Thank you for your channel registration and high evaluation!

◆◆If you have information about a deep area, please let us know in the comments◆◆

◆◆”Super Thanks” function has been newly added◆◆
Thank you very much to all of you who have been supporting us on a daily basis. All the money you support will be used for future video production.

Twitter I will update it occasionally.
Back Alley Stroll (@rojiura_sanpo) https://twitter.com/rojiura_sanpo?s=03

