
Fallout 4 – Jamaica Plain Settlement Build Tour

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This is a settlement build tour at Jamaica Plain from my most recent lightly modded Fallout 4 playthrough, using only vanilla and DLC objects (with a little help from Place Everywhere).

This is a Minutemen themed trading settlement. The main house features a diner on the ground floor, and a bar and sleeping quarters on the upper floor, with a radio tower and chem station built onto the roof. The front courtyard has been closed off and features a Power Armour workshop and office area, with a smaller workshop / storage area and scavenging station outside.

The main entrance / car park has been converted into settler housing with some small farm plots, and the rear courtyard has been fenced off and turned into a small marketplace. I used Place Everywhere to build up the junk walls just outside of the build area, which I feel really helps to prevent the marketplace area from feeling so exposed.

I struggled with this build for quite a while as the available building space is quite limited, but I am really pleased with how this came out.

Finally I want to link to SarDeliacs awesome build at Jamaica Plain which really helped inspire me, and from which I shamelessly borrowed more than a few elements.

Transfer Settlement Blueprint:

SarDeliacs Jamaica Plain Build:

Playthrough Mod List:

